Personal Vision

Remember Alice in Wonderland? Most of us read it as kids. And like many “kids’ ” books, it holds some wisdom for us as adults. There is a wonderful conversation in Lewis Carol’s classic between Alice and the mischievous and powerful Chesire Cat that speaks to the need we all have for a personal vision…

Creating awareness

Have you ever opened your eyes from a deep sleep and into a pitch-black room, and realized with a start that you don’t know where you are? You scan the room for clues. Your mind races to make a familiar sensory connection – some touch, some sight, some smell, some sound that will ground you.…

Personal Leadership

“First you have to understand yourself, because the hardest person you will ever have to lead is you. Second, you must take responsibility for your own development.”   Bill George (HBS/ Leadership) from True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership At WATERS OVER STONE, we know that living an intentional live is act of Personal Leadership, Authentic…